Friday, September 14, 2007

Running on fumes...

Well, I didn't expect for it to take that long to get back here, but it has been a pretty crazy week! It's been my last full week at my current job before I start my new job...That doesn't quite mean that I will be done with my current job as I am putting four more Saturdays in there to take care of my last clients. I'm definitely feeling excited about starting the new job, but also a little nervous which is pretty typical for me...I haven't knit a single stitch this week, which is typically my therapy, so I hope to get some in over the weekend. I think that could help me to feel more relaxed about starting the new gig...

Mrs. Ha-Ha and I are visiting her parents for the 2007 Pumpkin Festival this weekend. My mom is also joining us for the event, so it will be a big family weekend...It also means that we get to eat pumpkin pancakes tomorrow morning! Yum!

I haven't made much progress this week on the SSCCG...I'll blame it on the craziness of the week, but I also feel the pressure to get on with it so that I can have it done in a timely manner. It's probably a bad sign that people have started to remind me that it's still okay to give a commitment ceremony/wedding gift within 12 months of the event. I really hope that I don't have to apply that old rule of etiquette...

I've spent a little time on what sweater I might want to make with the yarn that I'm going to allow myself to purchase during the big diet...I have been thinking of Morrigan from "No Sheep For You" or the Threepenny Pullover by Veronik Avery (in Interweave Knits Fall 2004). But I'll continue the search for a little while because I might as well enjoy the planning and then purchasing of my last yarn until May of next year...

Well, there are chores to be done before I can leave this afternoon for Pumpkin fun so I had better get on with it. I hope that all of you have a great weekend!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

It's official!

Yup, I have officially decided that it's time for a yarn diet. It's going to look a little different than I first planned, so I'm going to lay it out here. This is both my way of providing myself with a reminder about the basics of my yarn diet, and also to try and convince some of my knitting friends (hello Cynical Knitting Gal!) to join me in my venture! If nobody joins me, I'm still going to do this on my own, but I know that it would probably be easier and more fun if I had some company! So, here's my plan:

1) The yarn diet will start today (9/8/07) and will continue through my birthday (5/23/08).

2) I will allow myself to purchase one more sweater's worth of yarn, which I will likely buy on vacation in October. I am unlikely to be able to avoid wanting to purchase souvenir yarn and I would really like to be able to have enough yarn to make one more sweater, so I'm going to just allow myself this one purchase during the yarn diet.

3) I will accept yarn gifts (I know that I should have a yarn gift coming from a contest that I won a while ago, and there's no way that I would turn that away) during the yarn diet.

Okay, so it's pretty simple when it gets right down to it, but now I've told all of you and I will feel tremendously guilty if I give in to the yarn temptation...If anybody else wants to join me, then let me know!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I'm finding it hard to get my brain in a position to write anything of interest today (the title of this post should be some indication of this fact), so I'm going to keep it simple. In fact, I'm just going to make a list...

1. It was a great holiday weekend! Mrs. Ha-Ha and I stayed at a Marriott resort north of the city and spent most of our time baking by the pools...It was a great getaway that will hopefully keep us going until our big vacation next month (we're going to LA and Vegas!)!

2. I'm still working hard on the SSCCG, which is becoming increasingly larger, hotter to hold (the 90 degree weather certainly doesn't help with that), and slower going. It's all exactly what I would expect from a project of this size, but it is hard to maintain my focus sometimes...Then I think of the the happy couple cuddling under it, and it does make it easier to keep on working!

3. This is my second to last full week at my current job, and that is a really strange feeling. I am guessing that it's going to continue feeling strange until I start the new job and settle in a little bit. I'm looking forward to starting and moving on with this new chapter in my career!

4. I am contemplating starting another yarn diet. I haven't bought too much yarn recently (I did go to Stitches, so I picked up some new yarn), but I have a lot already and it seems like a good time to try and use some of it. That said, I am thinking that I would allow myself to save up for one more sweater's worth of yarn (I'm really wanting to make some garments right now, and I really don't have beyond one sweater's worth of yarn at this point) and I would still accept any yarn gifts that happened to come my way. If I follow through with this, then I think that I would at least set it up to last six months. I'm still turning this over in my head at the moment, so we'll see if it comes to pass...Of course, the fact that I even mentioned it here means that I'm probably going to do it because I'm going to want everybody to hold me accountable!

Well, that's all that I can think of right now...I really do think that I might have baked my brain a little too much this weekend! Have a good day...