Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My brain is melting...

It's so hot in my apartment right now that I think I've lost the ability to think...I just spoke with Mrs. Ha-Ha on the phone and she is kindly bringing dinner home after work because I can't even decide what to cook. Pretty pathetic of me, and really awesome of her! Seriously, I enjoy summer, but I am going to be much happier when this heat and humidity dissipates! I also spent a lot of time working the SSCCG today, and I imagine that having wool spread across my lap on a humid day probably doesn't help matters. At least I made some decent progress, though! There's the thin silver lining for the day...Well, I'm going to guess that my crankiness isn't fun to read, so I'll spare you from this point. Hopefully, tomorrow will be cooler and my mood will be restored!

1 comment:

Chicago Sarah said...

It's cooling off! Hope you are enjoying a refreshing breeze in your treetop apartment. :)