Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Only 56 hours until the holiday weekend...

Well, I didn't know the number of hours off the top of my head, but I think it's clear that I'm looking forward to the long weekend! Mrs. Ha-Ha and I have decided to treat ourselves to a brief hotel stay north of the city on Friday and Saturday nights...We're going to have plenty of down time complete with an indoor and outdoor pool! I can't wait...After a week of telling the rest of my clients that I'm leaving, I think that it will definitely be exactly what the doctor has ordered!
I haven't made much more progress on the SSCCG, but am on to a new color at least. I've got five color stripes after this current one, which seems pretty manageable until I remember that each row is longer than the last. I feel pretty good about the timing left for the blanket, but I need to keep working hard...

Well, since there isn't much knitting news or anything else interesting at the moment, so I'll share the cat pictures that Cynical Knitting Gal took during her photo shoot on Sunday. Our cat, Indigo, is missing because he had a cold and was hiding from the camera. I'll make sure to get a picture of him to share sometime soon...In the meantime, enjoy Harold and Claret!
This is Harold. I adopted him a little over six years ago from my vet office in Iowa. He had been found on a construction site after having fallen in oil and, apparently, having gotten his head stuck in a brick. The vets had to shave all of his hair off in order to remove the oil, so he bore an amazing resemblance to Mr. Bigglesworth (Austin Powers reference) when I first met him. Truly, he almost looked like a rat with his long pink tail. Anyway, he has become amazingly handsome with long white hair and walks about with quite a bit of dignity. I think that he either believes that he's human or that he's royalty. Either way, it's really entertaining!

This is Claret. Mrs. Ha-Ha brought her into the family to join my boys (Harold and Indigo). This picture is actually a really funny representation of her because she rarely stays still long enough to be petted or have her picture taken, so they all end up vaguely blurry as her face is in this picture. Mrs. Ha-Ha adopted her from a Chicago shelter around 5 or 6 years ago, I think. She is a hopper, which means that her back legs move together and she moves a bit like a rabbit. She's really high energy, but so much fun to have around! Clare keeps it interesting in our home...
Well, I'm sure that you'll see more of these guys around, and hopefully I'll be able to introduce Indigo soon. Not that all of my readers don't already know these cats, but maybe I'll have readers someday who don't know them! :) Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

I love seeing pictures of my nieces and nephews. Any post with animal pictures like these is a good one! Enjoy your long weekend and get some rest. I'm sure there will be a good amount of time spent in the pool.

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

Uh oh, Mrs. Ha-Ha has a first name...Have a great time hotelling it!

dog lover said...

Woohoo! Sounds like some kind of fun. Trying out a new "nickname", so hopefully my monicker will show differently now.

dog lover said...

Hmmm, so much for being mysterious. Sigh.

dog lover said...

Yippee, it works. Okay now I promise not to "blog" up the works. I know, I'm too funny. Seriously though, rest, relax and deserve it.

Mandy said...

I like the new name! Now we just need to get you set up with a blog of your own...:) It will truly be a family affair!